Time-turner 3 : Shhhhhh ! I have a plan !

Knockturn Alley | Harry Potter⚡ | Diagon alley, Universal ...

This was the first time in the year I would really have to act as a double agent to protect Ev and Pelemik, a difficult mission (and all that I did was not enough to save them, Zwei had to step up !)… it also gave me the occasion to know a certain smug genius much better…

Timeline : Saturday morning

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Hogwarts 1 : Welcome to the « Hogwarts Experience » !

Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle Map Pictures to Pin on ...

So we had arrived in a magical universe… but we would quickly realised it was no fairyland, and that evil was trying to make a come-back after Harry and his friends defeated it 20 years before…

In fact, the holiday was so busy that I am only writing about it when we are about to leave…

I was going to know one of the most stressful time I had in the TARDIS , with all the secrets I had to keep from the others to protect them (not that successfully, I might add !).

But there were going to be some really enjoyable things as well, among them the chance to relive a more relaxed time at school (in spite of the threatening apocalypse !), and of course, my relationship with a certain reckless pirate…I guess there was balance in a way, that would please Pelemik !

But let us go back to the beginning of the school year, in grand Harry Potter tradition !

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